Macabrepedia: A Marriage of True Crime and the Truly Bizarre

The Murder of William Stiles and Trial of Orrin de Wolf (1845 New England)

September 06, 2021 Matthew & Marissa Season 1 Episode 5
Macabrepedia: A Marriage of True Crime and the Truly Bizarre
The Murder of William Stiles and Trial of Orrin de Wolf (1845 New England)
Show Notes Transcript

In 1845 New England, Orrin de Wolf took William Stiles out for a night on the town, but Mr. Stiles didn't make it back. What happened? Marissa and Matthew discuss.

Wolf, De Orrin. Trial of Orrin De Wolf for the Murder of Wm. Stiles, at Worcester, Jan. 14, 1845: Including His Confession, Showing the Natural Results of Intemperance & LICENTIOUSNESS. Buffalo, NY: William S. Hein & Co., 2010.

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macabrepedia deals with dark subject matter that may not be suitable for all audiences. Listener discretion is advised. January 14 1845 a bitterly cold night in Worcester County, Massachusetts or under Woolf, an 18 year old stable attendant as amongst a small group of men crowded in a loft above wibbels stables, the group watches pensively as the Dr. Benjamin Haywood examines the unresponsive and twisted form of Mr. William Stiles, doctor places his fingers along the jawline of the man. The wolf twists a red handkerchief nervously in his pocket. Dr. Heywood looks to the wolf and the other few gathered there before pronouncing William Stiles as dead with a strange swallowed the wolf hands the handkerchief to the doctor. Today we are compiling the evidence and testimony of those who would later take the stand against Orrin De Wolf for the murder of William Stiles, we invite you to stay in listen as we add another entry into this hour, macabrepedia.


Hello and welcome to macabrepedia a marriage of true crime and the truly bizarre. We're your hosts Marissa


and Matthew.


And today we'll be exploring what


today will we will be exploring the death of William Stiles of Shrewsbury Massachusetts. Most of the information that is being compiled here or being referenced here comes to us from the trial of Orenda wolf for the murder of William Stiles at Worcester, January 14 1845. From The Making of Modern Law print edition trials 1600 to 1926. This has a mostly seems to be kind of almost everything from news articles to court testimony has quite a few things. It's kind of the only source that you can find for this particular trial. The town of Shrewsbury is east to the city of Worcester in the knockout not spelled how you think well, yeah, worC s t r is is Worcester. If you're not a northerner, yeah, if you're not from Massachusetts, you may get that wrong, but it is. It's in the county of the same name. It's located in kind of like Central Massachusetts, Worcester is a much larger, much larger city than Shrewsbury. Shrewsbury is at the time, the population was somewhere in the neighborhood of like 1400 to 1500 people. It's a small kind of rural community that primarily sustained itself like its businesses and everything. It didn't really export or import any any particular amount or any have anything of note really.


You will pass it on the way back to South Carolina from Cape Cod, Massachusetts, just FYI.


Yeah, but I don't I don't know if there's a lot of reason to stop there. I mean, it's a small town eschews it has it has a decent amount of history just like pretty much every place in Massachusetts seems to Shrewsbury was most notable for its it's very pretty lake that they have and it played host to Shay's Rebellion in 1787.


And what was Shay's Rebellion


not a topic for this particular podcast. But basically, Shay's Rebellion was an uprising that happened in response to basically taxation and charges that were being levied against those who had fought during the revolution and the American Revolution. And were thought to be well, we're we're international bam. This is this is filling in this is filling in that that handful of


that person in German, Germany,


but But yeah, so. So anyways, Shay. Shay's Rebellion was a group of like farmers and property owners who thought that they were being unfairly charged and tax for their lands and decided to have an armed uprising. So they went and tried to raid the armory of Springfield, Massachusetts, gathered some weaponry there. And then try to take you know, basically do a revolutionaries do and cause a rebellion and it was squashed. And pretty much everyone was slapped around and told to go home. And if you want more on that, I don't know.


Go. I figured I mean, if you call it a rebellion in history, generally it wasn't very good.


So that's the losing side. Revolution is the winning side. Rebellion is the losing side. Slap that right down Yeah, so they've I don't. I mean, a few of the leaders were like executed and stuff, but it kind of seemed like it was mostly just like, alright, alright, knock it off. You're not this is not we're not rebelling on every taxation every 15 years. Stop it go home


taxation without representation is getting old guys.


Yeah, we already did that one. But um, so anyway, so they got that that's currently in the harborplace. That's pretty much all that all that it was for that one. But that is not the subject of today's today. Shrewsbury. That's the that's the macro location of where the story takes place. Now, let's introduce some of the players. So first off, we have William Stiles, the soon to be murdered William Stiles, presumably murdered William Stiles, a roughly 50 year old humped back alcoholic described as being in poor health he He's described as being humped back he was known around town or at least by those who have poor taste as be as being humpy styles. And he was in his mid 50s or early, early to mid 50s. He had inherited a small estate after the death of his father. Also, I believe William Stiles, with the helping allure of his inheritance Mr. Stiles at the age of 33, married the 16 year old then 16 year old Eliza and I believe it was Tucker was her maiden name. But that's not particularly important, I guess, for this for this particular story, Eliza and and William, though, presumably in a somewhat loveless marriage, they do end up having a child by the a son by the name of Edward William Stiles was known around town as kind of being a drunkard and a waste of money. So, so much was his spending that the local Selectmen put his inheritance in a trust, which, I don't know exactly how much you need to be spending in order to have the town council vote to give you an allowance. And


that's not really a common thing.


Yeah, I mean, it was reported that he apparently had squandered like, two thirds of his of his, at the top, with inflation and everything it was kind of it with with like actual funds, not including what maybe like the property was worth or what it was actually like, churning out or anything like that. It was it was like 70,000 75,000, somewhere somewhere in that neighborhood. It was like, at their time, it was like $1,500 in funds and put that into Google, it comes out to like 70 to 75,000. But that's that. Again, it was it was a decent chunk of change. But I also assumed that there was that this property also produced something that is not ever mentioned in the source material. Again, he had squandered all that money. I don't know the details of how much spending it would take before the government steps in to stop you. But this did happen. It may have happened on the behest of his wife, Eliza and Stiles, or perhaps one of the other living members of istyles family. Again, it's not particularly clear, but regardless of the circumstances, the estate of Mr. Stiles was held by the Selectmen of Shrewsbury in probate, his property and affairs were taken care of, and Mr. Stiles was provided something of an allowance to utilize however he wished. So another key player in this story, also in the title is Oren De Wolf. We're gonna get him well now is the answer to that. So Orenda wolf was a young man who was at the time working at wibbels stable as a holster. And that is, might be a holster, whatever thing is holster, but it's a person who tends to horses that are generally at the the stables he's kind of like a valet, who has to feed your car. So he he he runs the stables that is connected to a hotel and a restaurant kind of establishment. And to the best of my knowledge Orne was not from Shrewsbury, but had been there for at least six months or so. So DeWolfe was working at Whipple stables, which again seem to be serviced by seems to service both a neighboring in as well as a restaurant called the frypan Dodds and save the flippin dogs. I don't know why I'm pretty sure it's two people Fripp and gods they decided to go on the partnership and open a restaurant


makes sense. Yeah.


So on the night of January 14, again in the title at about 6pm to wolf come to flippin dogs and asked his friend Samuel stone to watch the stable. So while he takes styles out on a spree


stone nine out on the town. Yeah, so


just to go get ripped. So stone was he was working at flippin DODDS as the kitchen Colonel which is a great name for what I believe to be like a kitchen manager.


Well that's excellent.


But he so Stone says he'll watch the stables while the wolf takes styles out and goes and does whatever so he agrees to keep an eye on the stables for a few hours while the wolf and styles go out on their spree De Wolf loads up a sleigh. Remember this is rural Massachusetts in January the roads were certainly better equipped to handle skis rather than wheels for those who have never seen a massive amount of snow. Yeah, makes sense to have a sleigh also in other things that I found like it seemed to come up fairly often that Shrewsbury the northern part of Shrewsbury had like this upper class group of people who always bitched about the roads that didn't have the right sleigh. Well, it's probably not all it's also not always snowing in Massachusetts. So there is times when wheels do work. So DeWolfe and styles went to 20 bar. They had a couple of drinks. And then they got into got back into the sleigh had a couple other stops, one of which was Kobe's tavern. Here, Oren went to the bar to the barkeep and provided a bottle of gin saying if Stiles orders a drink, pour it from this bottle. While at Kobe Stiles did order gin, which was given to him from presumably that bottle and which Oren had provided to the establishment? I don't, it is not common to bring your own. Bring your own beer to a tavern?


No, certainly not. Now, I mean that that would be a little suspicious nowadays.


Yeah. And assuming that we don't understand all of the normal traditions of people of that time period that this is still this, this is still a little unusual to do. I think I don't think it's like something where you like, Hey, I'm going to get hammered. And every time I call for a drink, give it to me from from my bottle that I don't think that that's normal.


I mean, it's kind of their job isn't like a bar is to provide.


I think it would be just as weird as you going into a bar now. And giving them the stuff you want to drink and then making them serve you 10pm Or and Wolf return to the frypan DODDS seeking out Samuel Stone, who was watching the stables or incomes into the kitchen and he's in kind of a bit of a panic according to those who had seen him. And he says to stone that he needs help getting styles up to the loft. Now, stone according to later testimony says he doesn't have time to leave at the moment, which forced the wolf to go seek out help from another friend, a Mr. Benjamin Baldwin. So DeWolfe goes and finds Benjamin Baldwin and the two men go to the sleigh they get Mr. Stiles and they carry him up to the loft of Whipple stable so at this point, Stiles is alive and he's kind of like weakly protesting being carried up to this loft and later testimonies will say that he was asking to go home and the wolf kept telling him like you'll be home soon Don't worry about it like kind of calming him down just being like let's just chill and Baldwin later taking the taking the stance says that he asks the wolf what why why why are we not just bringing them home? And the Wolf says Well, I don't want to bring them home because I don't want Mrs styles that have to deal with him like this. Which Yeah, you're if you're super hammered and stuff and you were just you know, go and you know, you're if you're if you're a decent decent friend I don't know if you necessarily want to go ahead and just drop your buddy off at your wife's feet and be like wow, he got out of hand my bad gonna go jump in my sleigh. So So yeah, I mean, you can take the higher you like so they get him up there they put them into into the cot that's at the top of the loft. And I'm assuming that there's like an upstairs where this kind of like this like break room kind of area for like the overnight staff, like an on call room. Yeah, kind of like an on call for people who may need their horses immediately that night or something happens. I don't know the ins and outs of this area. This is maybe one of those things that wibbels provided over the other competing stables all night service. So anyways, so they bring them up there, they put them in the bed. At around this time. This is when stone is able to pull himself away from his duties in the kitchen. And again, this is like 10 o'clock. So he he shows up. And he's asking the wolf kind of the same line of questions as Baldwin is like, why why is he here? Why are we not bringing them home and against the wolves like oh, you know, look, I don't want to do that. He'll be fine. Let's just chill out. Let them sit here for a little while. So once stone arrives, Baldwin leaves, and a few minutes after that stone leaves goes back to his kitchen Colonel duties at about half past 10. So 3040 minutes later, the wolf comes back into the frypan DODDS. Again, it's not the flippin dogs, but whatever, it doesn't matter. I should check to see if it's still around, or when it closed.


It sounds like a Harry Potter store, actually. Okay, now, let's just find best ones there


at half past 10 The wolf hunters frypan DODDS requesting salted water for Mr. Stiles not exactly sure why he would have salted water. I don't know if that's just kind of like a hangover cure.


I mean, that's, that's gonna cause you some major intestinal issues if


you drink enough of it, but if you're dehydrated, or you're getting sick on yourself, you know, it's the same thing as like, as a runner. You know, taking your electrolytes to kind of try to balance that off. It could help. I don't know.


Yeah, but if you're like, No, if you're dehydrated, you should not drink salt water.


Tell him to not like US gallon of salt water, not like drinking it from the ocean? Yeah.


And there's a lot of water around you. And it's all salt water do not touch, you will die.


Don't don't drink salt water, generally, yes, but yourself. But a little bit of salt and water could could help to help you kind of bounce your electrolytes. We do it as runners all the time. I


trust you. I don't know.


Also, it could also if they did have enough of it, it could cause projectile vomiting and diarrhea, which again, this is 1845. So medical science is still kind of get linic Heroic medicine kind of stuff where where it's like, you know, oh, you're not feeling well, oh, you drank too much, then we'll take that out and everything else that's willing to come with it. So just, you know, maybe all of a sudden you're, you know, a little bit of throw up or a little bit of diarrhea is possibly good. When you're trying to clear your system. A lot of diarrhea is probably better. That's that's the medical. That's the medical know how 1845


Well, we're not doctors, but just saying don't drink a lot of salt. Yeah, well, okay, do it.


So yeah, that's true. But an 1845. Most people who were doctors were trained at like, I think it was either Harvard or someplace in Boston at Boston College or Harvard Medical. And they only took in like a handful of students. And even then even if you were a doctor, doctor, you were generally a doctor, and something else. So you could be like a doctor and a lawyer or a doctor and a cobbler. Like you weren't like a full time doctor, that wasn't really something that was that. Weird. Yeah, it's like super high end frickin stuff is willing to do that. Yeah, but they only allowed like a certain number of students to come in. And then this is a total tangent. But like, that part hasn't changed for Harvard. At the time. It was like It's like 70 people, though. Again, this also comes into like, how many cadavers could you get and do autopsies on and stuff like that. So all that comes into play, too. But there was the Worcester society, medical society that was founded around the same time or just shortly before this, which was still it's still in practice now. But that was kind of like, another doctor. It's like a, it's like a doctor club. I guess. It's like a club of doctors who kind of all share their medical knowledge to try to make everybody better doctors. But again, that's here, that's here nor there. But I mean, I guess that was good idea at the time. Yeah. But again, and you'll find out later, when we get into later parts of the story, like some of the stuff that like the autopsy from one of the doctors is like, pretty in depth now not being a doctor, I have no idea if the autopsy that he's doing is correct in any way, shape, or form or the conclusions that he draws her correct in any way, shape, or form. But he does know a lot of things, which has to mean something right.


Well, he did them. I mean, we're not again, we're not a pathologist.


Yeah, I got I got nothing I took I got to anatomy to it at a community college and that was about the end of it. So But anyways, don't drink salt water and get a doctor who's not just part of a club but maybe also went to school. Yeah. And who Yeah, I am not exactly sure why he opted for the salt water point of this was that three patrons who were in the flippin DoD Damn it, who were in and DODDS I


swear to God, but no, no, it's not the one place I feel like preppin das would be like the place that sells broomsticks.


Cool on that so you can tune into Marissa is Harry Potter podcast, which does a headset put that up there. So anyways, three patrons end up hearing that. That the wolf is got somebody up in the loft? And they decide, oh, well, we're gonna go check it out. Because you know, when you see somebody stumbling around at a bar and they're just like shitty and thrown up on themselves and you know, just acting a fool there's there is a there is a portion of a crowd that wants to go watch those people be sick on himself. Yeah, I was part of those crowds. big big fan of watching people make mistakes. Not me. Well, you missed out on some laughs I promise. I'm sure. So three of the patrons from the tavern. Go with the wolf to see style. When the wolf and the three men from the tavern returned to the loft styles is motionless and completely unresponsive. Style lays on the cot. He's facing upwards towards the rafter. He's got his legs hanging off either side of the cot, and his eyes are half open and staring towards the ceiling. At this point, one of the men breaks the kind of shared silence and says, You better go fetch a doctor. This man looks dead if he's not he will be soon. Which this is close enough to Boston that it might have been better Fetchit doctor, but anyways, so dwarf, a dwarf decides with the encouragement of those who were there to go and fetch a doctor. So he goes to the home of Dr. Benjamin Heywood. Not not not Benjamin Baldwin, this is another Benjamin. So Benjamin Haywood, hereafter referred to as Dr. Heywood, he goes to this guy's house, keep in mind, it's, at this point, probably close to about probably by the time he gets there 1130 At night, and goes to Dr. Heywood, who is 68 years old, and probably sleeping at this point, and he's trying to get him to go. And he says, like, you have to come help this guy. I think he's dead. To which this is actually in his testimony. Heywood says if he's dead you don't need a doctor. You need a corner.


Corner. Yeah,


he's, he's, he's from he's he's, he's not from Boston. And he probably didn't have that accent. Well, but you don't need a doctor you need a corner. So but so he tries to get out of it and the wolf say why don't know if he's dead. Whatever say as long story short, Heywood goes with the wolf back to the stables. The starts examining the body, the other guys who are there are kinda like, Hey, we're going to split at this point, because we're pretty sure how this examination is going to come out. So back, but they but before they leave, one of the guys says to style our says the wolf, probably best if you just say that you found him on the road. And that's kind of where the wolf goes with that. So they all leave, the doctor is checking them out, checking styles out, since doing an examination, he starts checking for, you know, I guess he's checking a pulse and all that stuff. But during, during, so he gets kind of close to two styles neck, at which point, the wolf pulls a handkerchief, a red handkerchief out of his pocket, and he hands it to the doctor, and the doctor looks at it, and he says, What's this? And he says, well, it was tied around his neck really tight, and I loosened it in the hopes that he would breathe better.


What What is he doing now?


Well, he was he was taking care of him to begin with when him and Balton brought him up there they were talking to him better Yeah, take the shoes off. He didn't actually doesn't say it took his shoes off. But that's you know, the things you do you take the time to try to make him comfortable. Calm down, chill out, we'll bring you home soon puke into this bucket. You know, take your salt water drink your salt water and you know the all the all the all the care of careful remedies that you do hold your hair back, whatever. So he gives them the gives them the handkerchief to which he would just kind of you know, waves it away. He's just like, oh, whatever, I don't care. So but he says in response to that he's like, whatever. This guy's dead. We need a corner. Like I said Corunna so he takes them he he I believe he would then leaves style styles and the Wolf are still in the loft. Hey, wood leaves to go get the corner. corner corner. So soon after. Another person shows up in the loft. So this is a one of the patrons from from the the in next door. He shows up. Wait,


why didn't they take him to the end? If there's an inn right next door, why they take him to the stable. They could have taken him to the end just seems like much more comfortable.


I've had friends that were in a similar level of intoxication. And I didn't even bring them inside the right choice. I didn't even bring them inside. I put a blanket over them in the middle of their lawn and it was like good damn enough. Like, so, the fact he got them there is okay, I'm not he knows what he's into. He's not gonna buy the guy a hotel room, he'll be fine. You sit in the hey now and you sober your ass up for I bring you back and I have to explain this to your wife. I won't make you get yelled at while you're drunk. Well, you're still gonna have some splainin to do and I ain't gonna go, I ain't gonna go foot the bill at a hotel. Now, so anyways, so one of the patrons from this in ends up coming back to the to the stables, there's nobody there to help him with his horse or whatever, he goes up to this loft and finds the wolf sitting there at a table. And he's reading a newspaper and just sitting in front of this corpse that is now lying on this cot, who appears to have been kind of manipulated in some ways, like his legs are both on the court at this point. He now has what is referred to as a buffalo and a couple of times of buffalo under his head, which I'm assuming is some kind of pillow. I don't think it's an actual buffalo or they were all like, Thai Beanie Baby collectors. Awkward. Yeah, but it's but I don't know if it's like a colloquialism for like, blue fawn or something or some kind of a handwarmer or something like that. But anyways, but he's so he's had his heads up there, and tied around his neck is a red handkerchief.


What is this? What is he What is orange doing?


He's he's helping these trying to make it presentable. He's ready to die at least make him look a little now. He has to like put his shoes back on it's tightened as well. I'm


a little suspicious.


I don't see why you would think that why would Warren is doing his due diligence to help this man who all he wanted to do is have a night on the town and or is doing the best he can to help them out. So this guy comes up gives the same round of questioning as to that probably everybody so far has happened had with orange an orange sticks to the the advised script, which was I found him in the snow. And I decided to take him here because this was the best place for him. I don't know he's just some some some wasted dude. Tell me, right. That's what he was told by one of his elders


patient and listen, I mean, he clearly had him before that he took a bottle of his own booze to the bar like No, no, no, the um no, he's done.


Just the facts, ma'am. Just the facts. These are the facts as presented by the testimony of everybody except for Oren so far. All right, let's keep going. So Oren still fine upstanding young lad 18 years of age just trying to make his way in this tough tough world of frozen frigid ask Massachusetts I'm from Massachusetts by the way guys, so this is not this is not Massachusetts mockery and from anywhere other than a place of longing and love. But um, so he so this guy comes in gives the same round of questions. He's at this point. He's locked in to his alibi being I found this guy in the snow brought him up here. Had the doctor come by corners on the way this guy died like this. Now enter Aisa Matthews, the coroner, a coroner of Shrewsbury. But so the coroner shows up and before we get into that, let's take a quick commercial break. This week's sponsor is the crushing guilt and sadness that comes from not being sure if you are balancing your life in accordance to the desires of your loved ones. Do you feel like your every decision is harshly judged by those around you? This may be at work in relationship amongst your friends or even the time you put into or don't put into a passion project. Well, that's thanks to this week's sponsor, unreasonable guilt, never allowing you to feel the peace of mind that your desires and decisions make everyone else happy. That in fact everything you are and do is letting someone else down things crushing guilt, where would we be without you happier? Seriously, though, live your happiness. Those who want to be happy with you will be there for you and you can likewise be there for them. If you are truly happy with your path in life, you are probably better than you give yourself credit for. So follow your passions be happy,


surround yourself with people who see your worth.


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which just think from now on he's on a buffalo like an actual


buffalo full size. Just a half a ton of frickin bison out there. Just they're always there. Every doctor when they go to get the coroner they're like they put them on top of a giant Buffalo and the buffalo just cuse. That is its big, musty oxen, coups.


What sound does buffalo make?


I don't know. I think Dances with Wolves. Come on. Go ahead. Anyway, so the so as it comes in, he does kind of a similar examination as to Dr. Heywood and in while he's doing that, he removes the red handkerchief from around Stiles neck revealing a faint red mark under the ears.


handkerchief is quite the major player. Yeah, somebody


say that's a possible murder weapon.da Da. So when the wolf sees EISA taking the AC Matthews taking the handkerchief off of the neck, he quickly asks, is there going to be a jury requested?


Oh, come on, man.


He's fear he's scared. As Matthew says to the wolves inquiry. Well, Dr. Heywood says that he chilled through is there something else to this story that would require us getting a jury and of course the wolf's like no no that's it found them found them frozen on the side of the street there put them in in sleigh brought them up here try to warm them up. gave him some salt water I don't know if he told him that because


Cuz why so hypothermic I guess that what he's trying to


say? Yeah. So yeah, he that he had chilled through and and effectively died from that, as Matthew says, Okay, well, you know, that's, that is what it is. So it looks like you know, he's obviously dead. So let's, uh, we'll take him back to his house and let his let his wife know. So he says to dwarf who? You know, he has a sleigh it's loaded up. It's got the horse and everything and guess I don't know this parts a little bit. I don't know exactly why they did this, but I don't know if three or four that was a holster or holster. It is a hostler h o s t l er. Okay. Or maybe hostler I don't know. We still don't know how to pronounce it. But anyway, h o s t l er.


He organized works. That's what I was thinking about. What Okay, so you when you were talking about frypan DODDS Harry Potter stuff I was thinking Borg and embarks which is like the shady place in nocturnally


which is like awesome. Thing is Yeah,


spoilers. Dark Magic stuff. Yeah. Yeah, that's what that's what that's what I would call it and


also you can also come here for Shay's Rebellion and spoilers for the Harry Potter series. Okay, so so I don't even remember the hell we were now. Oh, yeah. So anyways, I don't know if like Hossler is also just ran tax. The services if that could also be a way while where Stiles could have hired him for the Spree. And then also if you need a body moved, you call the Hosler and he just chucked it in the back. So anyways, the wolf has to bring this body back to the house back to the stiles residence. So who does he get to do so? Well, Samuel stone the kitchen Colonel frypan Dodds and the colonel again the colonel bringing the colonel so they go so the two of them Stone and The Wolf which they sound like villains don't they?


The wolf and stuff so you know one of them's nicknamed The Colonel he's not


nicknamed The Colonel it's his actual video series


gonna be the colonel colonel and the Wolf


The so anyways so they go and they take this out they take the body of styles back to the styles residence where they meet up with Eliza and styles she lets them in they bring in the body they set it up wherever they're supposed to set it up and then almost immediately after they put the body down to wolf and Mrs. Styles suddenly disappear off into a adjacent closet to the main room




for like five minutes why are in there for like five minutes expressing his condolences for her


live long minutes?


I'll just say well, he's dead by


by yourself. No, no, something's going on here.


What do you mean he's just all he did was bring it a party and he's like Hey, sorry for your loss.


Yeah, let's go back in this private room or we can talk for five long minutes


find one that's very short amount of time


whatever we do a lot in five minutes.


Well hey now given away my bedroom secrets shot so after leaving the styles residents stone would later recall in his testimony that the wolf was complaining that he should have never have helped styles that he should have just left them where he found them on the road and just let him freeze to death he was now he's going to be blamed for all this and he was super worried that he was going to go down for this and this is stone saying this to the to the jury. What's on your face What do you do?


He didn't let him freeze to death isn't that their story? As opposed to what well stone


no stone knows stone stone knew that he had brought him up


because he shouldn't take him into the like on call room area.


Let them die on the road rather than


maybe he should have Yeah,


well stone is saying that. That he that he's really worried about it. He's gonna get blamed for this stuff. Stone knew that that's that Stiles was on a spree with the wolf because the wolf came in at six o'clock and asked stone to watch the stables for him so he's not he's not he's not messing up at story. Stone knows the story. Because stones their stone as a rider die. Guy with this dude. He'll help you care for a dead man. He'll do your job. He'll help you bring the body back home after he's dead. He's He's the man you want him in your back pocket. So at this point, everyone well, again the wolf is a little nervous at all this is going to come back and and be more than it then it should be because obviously nothing happened. It was a night that got a little out of hand. Everyone's had their friend that dies on them in some shady bathroom somewhere. This is just another another day in Shrewsbury Massachusetts gets rowdy out there I bet that's not true.


That so the whole herd of buffalo just for this


is just chock full of them. So that they so at this point, the wolf is is nervous but you know, apparently Aisa Matthews this this whole situation isn't sitting well with either so he starts asking around and he meets up with the guys who had been there the night before and kind of saw this all unfold he starts hearing different stories of how styles and the wolf knew each other and how the wolf it even referred to him as old humpy Stiles digging further Aisa Matthews now it's not very nice not for his he has Kosis which is the the curvature of the spine that makes you look like you have a humpback but he was also considered to have be in poor health as as a Matthys would find out through interviewing other locals that Oren De Wolf had made mention that upon styles, Mr. William styles death Eliza and styles and the wolf we're going to split the remaining amount of styles his inheritance. Yeah, that that deserves because up until this point, we don't There was hasn't really been much of a connection between the two So he continues to kind of dig through, he finds out that the wolf had been staying with the styles. When he first got his job at Whipple stable. He obviously knew styles more than just oh, it's some guy found on the road


now sounds like styles helped him out.


So Matthews, well, he calls a fucking jury. Yeah. And his point he says, hey, you know what that jury and sounded so bad right now. So he does get a jury. And long story short, the Wolf gets arrested. Again, DeWolfe wasn't, he wasn't like hiding or out or anything like that. So they get the wolf they bring him to prison. They lock him up. While he's there. The wolf starts asking to meet with Aisa Matthews, they kind of start chit chatting a little bit. The long and short of it is is the wolf is asking, Okay, if I tell you what happened that night, do you think that they will hang me? And Aisa Matthews, according to his testimony later says, Well, I can't guarantee anything, but the truth is that a man died, and you know why? And the truth has to come out. You need to be a good person, and explain what happened that night. And Wolf is like, but will they hang me? And he says, like, doesn't matter. All that matters is that the truth is known. So Aisa gives the wolf a little time to think about it. Meanwhile, an autopsy is done on Mr. Stiles. They go through all this autopsy and everything at corner by the by by by Matthews as well as Dr. Heywood and I believe there was a couple other guys who did it too. Like I think it's a father son team called I think they're called the graves actually just perfect for a couple of doctors. But they, they they do their their autopsies. And they find blood pooling in different areas and bla bla bla bla bla and look it up if you want to know what it is because I mean, it doesn't mean anything to me. It probably won't mean anything to you. But the long and short of it is they determined that he didn't die from hypothermia he died from apoplexy due to strangulation. Now nowadays apoplexy would be like a stroke which this one says apoplexy due to strangulation. It doesn't necessarily mean that you didn't stroke out because he was being strangled or something along those lines, but I feel like the terminology may be a little bit different because this is straight out of the the the transcripts from 1845. So it is it is strangulation or apoplexy due to strangulation. So now there's strangulation murder. Aisa goes in brings this information back to the wolf. This is this is just me assuming this goes back to the wolf lets him know. We found out that he was strangled man was left the handkerchief long what's the deal? So the Wolf says, I'll tell you what, what really happened there. I'll write a confession. I'll let you know everything that happens. And this is where the plot thickens. So everything that we've said so far, Stiles and the wolf went out on a spree together the wolf did it bring a bottle of gin to Kobe's to give to the bartender that is also in that testimony. The reason for the wolf bringing that bottle of gin to Cole Blaze was because I'm kind of working backwards is almost like momento is because Stiles was already really mad at the wolf and had made mention that he hopes that Kobe he wanted to go to KO plays that night. And he really hoped that he had been there and dwarf wanted to please styles. And so he was a


bar and he didn't think he would have gin


to turn it turns out that they didn't actually have gin according to wolf that he brought his own gym and he did pour it from the bottle and everything but backing up further the reason that they knew each other and styles was mad at him at the wolf was because when they were boarding styles, and or when the styles were boarding the wolf apparently according to duels, confession, Mr. Styles forced Eliza and to sleep with the wolf. What in a biblical in a biblical way. Yeah, no, no, I get that. I didn't want you to think that it was okay for the time period. They all need to sleep in the same bed. It's January and Massachusetts they might be having body heat things. So that was kind of a thing. Slip in a few years prior to that, but now he means like bumping uglies with his wife. So, but Stiles, Mr. Stiles wanted this to happen. I don't know if he did you know, according did he coordinate the wolf he he coordinated according to the wolf, Eliza and said she didn't want to do it at first and was basically pressured into it by William Stiles and she eventually did. But the wolf said to her, I have a bad disease. And I we shouldn't do this. But she insisted, because of because of Mr. Mr. Stiles.




Just telling you the facts, this is just the way way it was written. So Mr. Stiles has the wolf sleep with his wife, his wife, in turn, gets this disease? Yeah. Which he then finds out that his wife has this disease.


What is this disease?


The Wolf says that Stiles is mad at him because well, he says that if he if his wife is not cured, within the end of the week, he would leave her by January.


And now none of this adds up.


Hold on. He would leave her by January. And or he would wade through his to his knees and blood to kill the wolf for giving her the clap.


And the clap is a gonorrhea, right?


Yes, I believe it has gonorrhea. Which it got its name the clap because initially the treatment was too.


Yeah, no. So yeah, if you had to gonorrhea they would have no all of the details but I know that they would effectively to get the pus out of the penis, they would take it to in their hands and they would clap it back and forth. Just slap it.


They would they would ring the pus out of the pain.


It was not in a pleasant way at all.


It's called the clap. I don't think it was very unpleasant. Yeah, it wasn't called the gentle milk milk. It's called the clap because apparently they would clap the penis roughly between their hands to to to break up any of the waxy pus that film filled within their phantoms. Yeah, so obviously, Stiles didn't want to also have this let added to his his health issues. Yes, his current health issues as they were. So he says he tells the wolf that he's going to leave his wife by January, if she's not cured. This is in like November,


you have two months to cure.


He said You have till the end of the week, or I'll leave her in January. So I don't believe she was cured. But unlikely, right. But he decides that he's going to move out anyways. And so the wolf leaves, but they stay in contact the styles and dwarf they stay in that dynamic. Well, he also says that the three of them had slept together quite a few times. But I don't know if that one is the party he won. Or I mean, I'm not yucking no bones. Yum. But I mean, like, did you know he had the clap while you wait? Whatever. Anyways, again, with this 1845 is Wild Times, wild times back then. But they so the wolf moves out, Eliza and had told the wolf that Stiles was out to get him possibly on the night of the Spree. So the wolf was trying to do everything he could to make sure that Stiles had a good time because like I said, Stiles had already said that he would be willing to wade through blood up to his knees to kill the wolf. And now they're going out on a spree in January the same month that he's supposed to leave his wife for not being cured of the clap, who supposedly also has a deal with the wolf that upon Stiles his death, they would split his inheritance. So this is an important night. This is January 14, all this is happening. So could be Eliza is about to get divorced, which she wouldn't get any inheritance.


Even though it's not much because he's spent most of it but still, we're also


the property and everything to Yeah, and Stiles is out to get the wolf


so the wolf has not to get styles.


Well no according to his according to his confession, he just wanted to make sure that's that he could use private trying to win styles back over at this point. So they go to the bars well when styles over well, that's not actually a quote, that's my quote, air quote. They he's trying to make sure that he has a good time. So he brings him the he brings him the gin, which also he said he got because he was trying to he had the G on hand because he was using it to cure a sick horse, which, what? 1845 Wow. So they go to the bars, they do all that everything there is all true, true, true, true. True. Now where this deviates, is that the wolf claims that while after him and Baldwin bring styles up into the loft, when Baldwin leaves and stone shows up, he's complaining to stone who's a good friend of his he's the guy has been watching everything and moving everybody and all this stuff, right? He's complaining that he's like, Stiles is out to get me. And I really hope that he dies because of this intoxication thing because he's out to get me. And I wish he could just die. I wish I could just give him enough alcohol that he would die and Stone says, Well, why would you want him to die? He's not what I mean. Like, well, what's the issue? And the Wolf says why Oh, and 50 bucks, which at the time is like $1,000 like 1200 bucks. So Stone says I'll kill him for half that into Wolf says, fucking deal, man. kill this dude.


Maybe you don't want this guy in your back pocket.


I mean, you might want he's at these cheap hitman. But this is what the Wolf says is that he says, Okay, I'll give you 25 bucks. You kill the guy. And I'm gonna step out tell me when it's done. That's what happens. Stone comes back out, says job's done. When you got to pay me


this stone come back out and hand him the red handkerchief. Well, it was presumed that he used that red handkerchief, but there's a hand he had it in his pocket. It was had it in his pocket. It


was unclear as to whether or not the wolf was handed the handkerchief from that he didn't put that specific detail that my story hinges on, but his confession did not at the time. All of this confession and everything would never go to trial. Because it was determined that Aisa Matthews had supposedly coerced it from the wolf, or that he had promised a lesser sentence based upon it, so they threw the confession out. What they didn't throw out of the case, was the two letters that the wolf had entrusted to Aisa Matthews to deliver on his behalf, which were to Eliza Anne's father, telling him to tell Eliza to pack a bag and to run because they were after them. And that if they have him that they're going to get her next


lock him up, throw away the key. What was it a letter?


I don't remember what I don't I'm not gonna go to the notes as fucking nine o'clock. But so it turns out that but you're not gonna say anything about the fact that the AC Matthews never delivered these letters and just pulls them out and in the courtroom, that's probably why they were like, Nah, that confession eight now did you even give delivers letters?


This guy delivered the messages either like no, but if you know,


but if you convince the guy that you're going to deliver those letters, so then you're going to probably also coerce a confession out of this kid.


Maybe that's not the same thing. Oh, I'll


deliver your letters. Oh, I didn't I never let him think that he wouldn't hang for this.


Okay, look, there's a certain degree of just not being honest there either way, but no, it's not the same.


Come on. Alright. Well say that as Matthews was like, I'll see what I can do. I mean, one of them


was possibly coercing him into confessing the other one was just not delivering letters that he wrote himself and


then pulling them out after he read them to the jury during his murder trial. That's not like, oh, shit, I forgot to go to the UPS store. I forgot to go i Oh, man. I didn't have a stamp. So I didn't do it. He was like, Nah, I went in as soon as you turned your back I read it and was like, Oh, shit, this dude. This dude is totally telling Eliza she's got a run because she's totally behind all this shit.


Yeah. Orange should have realized that come on now. Well, that


is we'll get to that part. Stone never gets accused of this other than through the confession which also if you read the confession in the book, it's redacted who he's actually saying really did it Yeah. But the other players that are there at the same time based upon everybody else stones the only other person like Baldwin is mentioned. Hey, what is mentioned Matthews as mentioned, stones not mentioned but he was there and stone admits that he was there so it's like Yeah, yeah, yeah, it was him that would that would that he was being he was being blamed, but they redacted it in the in the thing. So anyways, almost all of this testimonies come from the prosecution, the defense tries to mount some kind of some kind of stance against it, trying to say that Stiles actually killed himself by strangulation. No, he did not. Because they bring in first of all, they bring in a few doctors who did an autopsy. They didn't actually do an autopsy on the full body. They were only provided the neck.


Because Nick often


caught his neck and and learn X out 1845 While times they took us they sent it to him. And guess what? Those doctors said? That's inconclusive. Yeah, no shit. We ain't got enough here. The rest of his body. I don't know how he died. Did you did was this lying next to him? Because right. But yeah, except for the fact that has been removed.


Yeah. And I mean, clearly there's some trauma there from that.


Exactly. So that but that that's the way it reads to me that they they gave him only that. So anyways, they didn't get that. And then the so they were saying it was inconclusive that he was actually strangled to death because they couldn't prove it off of that. But they still were trying to say that if it was strangulation, in fact, that it was because he had done it to himself. So they call in his old nurse who had helped him and his wife out with day to day stuff. The nurse that they brought in, had said that on multiple occasions in a drunken rage, Stiles would have Fitz and say that he wanted to die and try to strangle himself with his own hands to the point that that multiple people had to pry his hands from his throat to keep him from strangling himself to death.


All right, well, first off, this is kind of what happened with remaning last week. Correct. But second of all, you really can't do that you're gonna pass out before you actually hurt yourself that bad also correct. Oh, I don't know.


Right? Yeah. You can't strangle yourself to death with your bare hands. Because you will pass out you can strangle yourself to death. You can hang yourself. If you you can, you know there are ways to do it and not trying to put any ideas in anybody's head. But yes, you can. But chances are you're not doing it with your own handkerchief on your neck or your bare hands not going to happen. Or into Wolf is quickly found guilty and sentenced to be hanged by the neck until dead. That's what they say. That's what they say.


Well, they have to specify. Yeah, until you're dead. Well, that you know what they don't they didn't always I know they started until you're almost dead and then cut you down and do some other shit too. Well, yeah.


Well, that's an that's another story for another day. But yeah, they had to say until you're dead because sometimes they would cut you down and you weren't quite dead. And they're like, Well, they did technically hang there like sentence was fulfilled. But the but he was sent us to do so. Now another cool thing that you can find online is at Harvard, actually does have petitions to save him and have his his sentence change to life imprisonment instead, which was successful, the governor at the time did eventually change it to life in prison instead. And the petitions that like I said, you can go online you can see him then with the signatures from people from 1845, which again was a wild time but they they had put on their on the petitions at the top of it was that he shouldn't be hanged to death because he was a young boy who grew up in a bad family and was seduced by the wiles of a evil woman also allies and never took the standard got any blame for this either. So he took the brunt of it, and apparently served out a life sentence. Anyways, ah that that was mostly the facts that I could find in the story there. Another fun little thing that was in the in the transcripts. The defense was opened by Colonel bollock in the bullock, bollock, b u, Ll. O, ch, in a pertinent and forcible manner and then closed by honorable BF Thomas in an argument three hours in length, which for eloquence and force of reasoning commanded the admiration of all who heard it. Well, let's hear that one. It's not included. I guess, of course, trying to save papers, something there. They were just so dumbfounded by the power of his speech.


So they just made a point of saying it was so amazing. It was so eloquent but


yeah, it was too much for this monography to get down he was you can't capture in words it was it was a force of nature rolling through the courtroom. Anyways, that does it for this episode of macabrepedia. Please follow us send us messages on all of our social media. If you're on Apple podcasts listening, please give us a five star review and a comment as well apparently that is the what matters most to the algorithm. And we'll give you a shout out and we will absolutely give you a shout out If we if we find it there and we'll we use your whatever name you have on there for that unless you specify otherwise but follow us on Twitter and Facebook at macabrepedia


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That's it for this week. Thanks for listening. Please join us next week as we enter another entry into this hour. Yeah, so we'll just leave that you can just whisper the whole damn thing